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Marine Fender Systems

ESC has strategic partnerships with PIANC registered manufacturers with over 20 years of experience delivering marine fender system solutions to Asia, North America, Central & South America, Europe and Middle East. ESC's global network provides an end-to-end solution that is customized to project requirements providing detailed support in close proximity to its valuable clients.

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Marine Fender Types

Design, Manufacture & Testing

Product Images

Cone Fender

Cell Fender

Arch Fender

You may also contact out fender department at for all enquiries relating to ESC's fender product range.

Marine Rubber Fender System

Marine Rubber Fenders are critical for the energy absorption of a berthing vessel into the berth structure. A single tanker can be over 500 tons so safe energy absorption in worst case scenarios is paramount. The marine fenders primary job is to protect the berthing structure without damaging the vessel hull for all potential vessel types, sizes and approach scenarios. ESC offers a full range of fender options to compliment its marine steel piling products.

ESC offers complete Marine Rubber Fender Systems

  • Full range of fender types, sizes and rubber grades

  • Manufacturers certified to PIANC 2002, ISO 9001, ISO 14001

  • Experienced design engineers for berthing energy calculations & fender selection and detailed design of fender and frontal panels

       to PIANC 2002, BS 6349:4 & EAU 2004

  • Intimate understanding for integration into berthing structure

  • Highly skilled and experienced front panel fabricators

  • High quality mixture of natural, synthetic rubbers from reputable and prequalified suppliers with strict quality control

  • Global supply network in Asia and Europe

  • Full suite of in-house testing equipment all the way up to 2,000  metric tons compression

Marine Rubber Fender System

Fender Types

Design, Manufacture & Testing

ESC can complete a preliminary assessment and design of the most appropriate fender system to allow budgeting and estimation for projects. ESC can complete this even with a limited information set.

Preliminary Design & Budgeting
Quality Assurance & Testing

Marine Fender Rubber is an engineered material that exhibits optimal properties in terms of cost, energy absorption, wear resistance, UV resistance and more. An engineered mixture of additives is used to improve the overall mechanical and wear properties of the material. The rubber utilised comes from the highest quality sources and is inspected and testing in accordance with the ISO 9001 Quality Management System. Some parameters tested are: tensile strength, elongation at break, compression set, hardness, density, seawater resistance, tear resistance, ozone resistance, abrasion resistant, bond strength and ageing. 

Marine Fender System Detailed Design

ESC has developed software that assist in calculating berthing energies for the project's complete vessel range which are then used to specify the optimal fender configuration which includes - rubber fender selection, frontal panel sizing and location, chain and anchor design and if appropriate cathodic protection design. These calculations are completed to PIANC guidelines by default with some special references to other standards such as Full manufacturing and layout drawings are produced to enable high quality production and comprehensive detailing for installation on site.

ESC Marine Fender System

ESC's fender product line is comprehensive, with over 50 profiles and 5 rubber grades (low reaction to super high reaction force) to select from. The frontal pad fabrication facility (complete with blasting and painting) is in close proximity to the fender facility which makes factory visits and ex-mill logistics more convenient and efficient. Components such as chains and anchors are produced by pre-qualified manufacturers also in close proximity to the facilities.

Berthing Energy Calculator
Cell Fender
marine fender catalog.png

Design Standards

Design Standards
  • Code of Practice for Design of Fendering and Mooring Systems: BS 6349: Part 4 (2014)

  •  PIANC WG33 Guidelines for the Design of Fenders (2002)

  •  Recommendations of the Committee for Waterfront Structures, Harbours and Waterways (EAU 2004)

  •  PIANC Report of the International Commission for Improving the Design of Fender Systems: Supplement to     Bulletin No.45 (1984)

  •  Actions in the Design of Maritime and Harbour Works: ROM 0.2-90 (1990)

  •  Recommendations for the Design of the Maritime Configuration of Ports, Approach Channels and Harbour Basins:     ROM 3.1-99 (1999)

  •  Dock Fenders – Rosa 2000 Edition No.1

  •  Engineering and Design of Military Ports: Unified Facilities Criteria UFC 4-159-02 (2004)

  •  Design of Piers And Wharves: Unified Facilities Criteria UFC 4-152-01 (2005)

  •  Guidelines for the Design of Maritime Structures – Australia: AS4997 (2005)

  •  Engineering Standards for Port & Harbour Structures Design Manual —Philippine Ports Authority (2009)

  •  Determining and Reporting the Berthing Energy and Reaction of Marine Fenders: ASTM F2192-05 (2005)

Product Images

Product Images
Cone Fender

Cone Fender

Cone Fender System
Cone Fender System typical components

ESC Cone Fenders incorporates the latest generation design, improving upon the more traditional cell fenders. Cone fenders offer an excellent combination of low reaction force to energy absorption ratio, good shear resistance, excellent performance at steep berthing angles due to its geometry.

The table on the right lists ESC's cone fender product range with the reaction and energy absorption figures for the lowest and highest reaction force rubber compounds. Note that the figures presented are for general information purposes only and ESC will not be responsible for any errors, omissions or misuse of any information provided. The product range contained is liable to change without notice.

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Cell Fender

Cell Fender

ESC Cell Fenders incorporates the the cell design which has been utilised for over 20 years in marine applications all around the world. Cell fenders incorporate a simple and robust design that offers high performance and strength.

The table on the right lists ESC's cell fender product range with the reaction and energy absorption figures for the lowest and highest reaction force rubber compounds. Note that the figures presented are for general information purposes only and ESC will not be responsible for any errors, omissions or misuse of any information provided.

Contact us at for more information

Cell Fender System
Arch Fender

Arch Fender

ESC Arch Fenders are a simple yet rugged designed fender providing reliable performance with minimum potential issues. It is a design utilised in a wide variety of ship berths that can be depended on even under severe environmental conditions.

The table on the right lists ESC's arch fender product range with the reaction and energy absorption figures for the lowest and highest reaction force rubber compounds. Note that the figures presented are for general information purposes only and ESC will not be responsible for any errors, omissions or misuse of any information provided. The product range contained is liable to change without notice.

Options include:

  • Customizable lengths up to 3.5m for a single piece. Greater lengths can be formed utilising 2 adjacent fenders

  • UMHW PE Frontal Pads in a variety of sizes, colours and thicknesses for lower frictional force from contact with vessels

  • Ladder Rungs integrated into the fender body

  • Range of anchor bolting options and materials

Contact us at for more information

Arch Fender System
Arch Fender
Element Fender

Element Fender / Leg Fender

Element Fenders or sometimes also known as Leg Fenders are an alternative marine fender solution that are ideal when the fenders need to be mounted in a limited area. They are a versatile option with a modular design that can be utilised in a variety of configurations.

The table on the right lists ESC's cell fender product range with the reaction and energy absorption figures for the lowest and highest reaction force rubber compounds. Note that the figures presented are for general information purposes only and ESC will not be responsible for any errors, omissions or misuse of any information provided.

Contact us at for more information

Element Fender System

Other Fenders

Other Fender

ESC also offers a comprehensive range of:

  • Cylindrical Fenders

  • Pneumatic Fenders

  • Foam Fenders

  • Roller Fenders

  • D and Square Fenders

  • Tug or Wrap Fenders

Contact us at for more information

Pneumatic Fender


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